If you are travelling abroad, please follow the steps below:
1. Visit Fit For Travel
Visit website www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk
- Click on DESTINATION and locate your travel destination(s)
2. Book an Appointment
If you require any of the below NHS vaccines (free of charge) then print off the vaccination information and book an appointment to see the Practice Nurse 6-8 weeks prior to your departure. You will need to bring the printed off vaccination information to your appointment.
3. Organise further required vaccination
If you require any other travel vaccinations not available on the NHS (such as Japanese Encephalitis, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Meningitis vaccine, Rabies, Tuberculosis and Yellow Fever), please visit a travel clinic or contact:
- Ashford Travel Clinic 01233 503666
- Boots 01227 470944
- BMI Chaucer Hospital (not children under 16yrs) 01227 825137
- Tankerton Pharmacy 01227 272336
- Please note: Faversham Medical Practice is NO longer a Yellow Fever Centre.
- Please note: We no longer provide travel forms for completion.