Where to Get Help

Abbey Physic Community Garden
The APCG helps breakdown social isolation through informal networking by providing a space to meet casually, to relax and de-stress.
We focus on the Gardens ability to affect good mental and physical health by providing:
- Therapeutic Gardening
- Horticultural Gardening
- Faversham Community Kitchen (Grub Club-Healthy eating/cooking on a budget and a shared meal with others)
- Ground Force Action Team (St Mary’s Churchyard-greening community spaces)
- Faversham Men’s shed organisation
- The aim of Faversham Men’s Shed is to increase the men’s shed membership with the priority that we all help each other, have fun and build friendships along the way.
- We would like to design our own brand type items that are unique to the Faversham Men’s Shed. To enhance our presence and identity we have designed our own logo for correspondence (see attached newsletter) and hopefully our own t-shirts that all members will receive.
- Faversham Men’s Shed has introduced a membership application form and a signing in system to assist with the welfare and happiness of what we hope will be a fantastic and friendly atmosphere.
- The Faversham Men’s Shed hope to help local projects by making bird and bat boxes, also making minor repairs such as picture frames or garden furniture. Faversham Men’s Shed needs you.
- The Men’s Shed is open Weds & Fri 10am – 1pm or email Ian Hardie – ian.abbeyphysic@gmail.com for more information.
- Coping with Depression (run by Kent Mind)
- Coping with Anxiety and Stress (run by Kent Mind)
- Happiness Cafe (monthly Well-Being)
- Art and crafts (willow basketry and pottery)
- Green Woodworking
Open Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays 9am-2pm. Tuesdays 10am-3pm (Horticultural Training). Saturdays 11am-3pm (run by volunteers)
01795 539915 or www.abbeyphysic.org or abbeyphysic@btinternet.com
Abbey Place, Faversham, ME13 7BG.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme
AAA screening is offered to men during the screening year (1st April to 31st March) that they turn 65.
In England, around four per cent of men aged between 65 and 74 years have AAA (approx. 80,000 men). This results in around 6,000 deaths per year. There are generally no symptoms.
Risk factors for AAA include:
- male
- 65 years and over
- smoking
- hypertension
AAA screening is a simple, painless procedure carried out in one of 39 local venues across Kent by trained technicians. The result is available immediately.
If an aneurysm is detected, depending on the size, either surveillance by further scans or referral to a vascular specialist to discuss treatment options will be offered.
The team welcome self-referrals from men who are aged over 65 and who haven’t previously been screened as part of the AAA Screening programme.
More information can be found by visiting the national programme website or by contacting the Kent and Medway AAA Screening Office on:
01227 868775 or ekhuft.aaascreening@nhs.net
Addiction (drug and alcohol) services
The East Kent Community Drug and Alcohol Service is provided by a partnership of three registered charities – Forward, Nacro and Rethink mental illness. The services provides support for anyone with drug or alcohol problems living in East Kent.
Covering from Faversham to the Isle of Sheppey, including Sittingbourne and all villages, the East Kent Community Drug and Alcohol Service at Swale provides treatment services at the main hub in Sittingbourne, a satellite in Faversham, three further satellites in Sheerness and one in Eastchurch as well as working closely with partner agencies locally.
Want to find out more?
01795 411780 or 0300 123 1186 (24hr telephone line)
6-8 Park Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 1DR
- Mon (not bank holiday) 9am-5pm
- Tue 9am-7pm
- Wed 9am-5pm
- Thu 9am-5pm
- Fri 9am-5pm
Younger people
We Are With You in Kent for Young People is the commissioned provider of drug and alcohol support for young people aged between 10- 18 and some 18-24 year olds.
- Under 18s
- We offer 1:1 support to young people using substances on their own goals whether that’s getting advice, cutting down or stopping completely.
- 18- 24s
- We offer 1-1 support with a worker, in person or via video call. Sessions are tailored to the individual needs of the young adult, with a focus on minimising the harm and risk associated with their substance use.
- Young adults should be referred to adult services (see above under East Kent Community Drug and Alcohol Service) if they;
- are opiate or alcohol dependent
- are required to attend a drug and alcohol service as part of a court order
How to refer into our service
- Young people can self refer to access our service via our website www.wearewithyou.org.uk
- Or phone: 01795 500881
- Or email: yadmin@wearewithyou.org.uk
- Online Web Chat Service
- Monday-Friday 9am-9pm
- Saturday & Sunday 10am-4pm
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire is there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Find out more information about Al-Anon Family Groups and the support available
Recovering Families UK (RFUK) Online Programme
Forward Trust have recognised the need for loved ones to receive their own support through addiction and we have created a 14 session Structured Programme for loved ones where they can learn and understand what addiction and recovery is.
The Programme is for anyone over 18 that is or has supported a loved one with addiction or recovery. The Programme is designed to increase knowledge and understanding of addiction and recovery, learn coping tools but to also improve self esteem, wellbeing and to build positive connections with others that can relate to what they are experiencing. The Programme is run during the day and evening.
If you are interested in knowing more, please contact: Clare Collins, Recovering Families Coordinator: clare.collins@forwardtrust.org.uk You can also complete a referral form here. Please scan the QR code

More details and information can be found here.
Advocacy for all
- Advocacy is when one person helps another person talk about their needs and wishes.
- All our one to one advocacy services are free, confidential and independent.
- Advocacy for people with a learning disability in Kent (must be over 18, have a learning disability and be a resident of Kent)
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCA) help people who are assessed to lack capacity about medical treatment or where they live, and have no family or friends that it would be appropriate to consult with about those decisions.
0345 310 1812
www.advocacyforall.org.uk for further information and to send a message
Touch Base Project-Kent & Medway
- For people with Autism/Aspergers and mental health issues-self referral only
- What we offer:
- Peer support buddying
- Some 1-1 timed support
- Peer Support groups
- Social meet ups
- Phone, text and online zoom support
- Drop in support can be arranged:
- Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
- Saturday 8am-1pm
- Sunday 2pm-7pm
- Bank Holidays 11am-2pm
- Contact us on 0345 310 1812 or referrals@advocacyforall.org.uk
Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne
Day Centre Services
- Our Day Centre in Faversham is open 7 days a week from 9am to 4pm and our Sittingbourne Day Centre is open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. We provide a range of services within our centres.
- Day Services
- Age UK Faversham and Sittingbourne have centres based in Sittingbourne, Faversham and Teynham. We provide a welcoming atmosphere, and a culture that champions independence, dignity and choice.
- At our centres you can meet new people and make new friends. We will make sure that you receive a warm welcome and feel comfortable. The centres are lively and there is always something going on, however, there is also a place for those that prefer quieter pursuits and there is no pressure to join in any of the activities if you choose not to.
- Activities we regularly hold at the centres include gentle chair based exercise, sing alongs, quizzes, arts and crafts, and bingo. There are also card and board games available for those that like to play these.
- A two course, freshly cooked lunch is served daily. We use fresh local meat and vegetables and prepare the meals in our own kitchen. We can cater for most diets and food intolerances. There is a coffee bar for snacks and drinks to eat on the premises or to take home.
- We offer door-to-door transport if needed, in our own wheelchair accessible minibuses with tail-lifts. You can choose to make your own way to the centre and stay for the whole day, come along just for lunch, or drop in for companionship, whichever suits you.
- At all 3 centres you will have your own keyworker who will get to know you and ensure that we offer you the right level of support.
- We organise a number of trips throughout the year to places that centre clients have suggested. Recent trips have included: shopping, pub lunches, garden centres, boat and coastal trips.
- At all 3 of our centres we have on site Hairdressing, Chiropody and basic foot care & nail care, these are all offered at subsidised prices.
- Day Services for people living with Dementia
- We provide day opportunities for older people living with Dementia. We will work with you to help maintain and stimulate existing skills and memories using music workshops, art activities, cognitive and light physical games, conversation and other activities
- Located in a secure and homely setting, the staff work closely with each person. In a warm and friendly atmosphere our staff care about each individual and take the time to ensure that everyone’s needs are met.
- COGS Club
- COGS Club is for people living with mild to moderate Dementia. The club welcomes those who have been newly diagnosed and those who have lived with their diagnosis for some time. The club runs sessions using Cognitive Stimulation Therapy which is designed to help you maintain and develop an active mind and support those with memory loss. Our clients have found that these sessions are very useful in helping them cope with everyday life.
Community Services
- Personal Care
- Our high quality personal care service has a reputation of offering good quality, consistent care. We understand how good personal care can make a huge difference to your quality of life. Our staff are well trained, friendly, genuinely care and will work to ensure that they maintain your independence, dignity and choice.
- Meals on Wheels
- Freshly cooked lunch delivered to your home every day. Our Meals on Wheels Service offers a freshly cooked, two course lunch and can deliver to the Faversham and Sittingbourne areas and surrounding villages 7 days a week, 365 days per year.
- Bathing
- In Faversham and Teynham we can help you bathe either in your own home or at our centre. In Sittingbourne we currently only offer help bathing at our centre but we are hoping to offer help to bathe at home soon. Our bathing staff are highly trained and will help you bathe safely and with dignity.
- Befriending Service
- Are you over 50? Do you feel lonely or isolated? Do you live in the ME13 post code area?
- We offer a free befriending service to socially isolated people aged 50 or above living in our community.
- We seen to carefully match each suitable candidate with a volunteer nearby to visit them once a week. “Friends” might enjoy a chat and a cuppa or perhaps play a game, do puzzles, go for a local walk, swap stories, and hopefully enjoy some laughs. This should be an hour a week for both parties to look forward to and enjoy
- For more information, please contact:
- Nikki Holt, Befriending coordinator
- nikki.holt@ageukfs.org.uk
- 01795 532766
- Pop-in Cafés
- You are always welcome to drop in for a coffee, sandwich or snack at any of our centres from 10am -3pm during the week and the Faversham Centre is also open at weekends.
- Advocacy
- Advocacy enables people to make informed choices and supports people when it is difficult for them to speak up for themselves. Our Advocacy Service is free and covers Faversham, Sittingbourne, the Isle of Sheppey, Canterbury, Herne Bay and Whitstable.
- Care Navigator
- Care Navigator offers free, impartial, confidential advice aimed at people over 50 who feel they need extra support to enable them to remain independent in their own home. Clients referred by a health professional can be aged 18 or over. The Care Navigator can also help you access aids and equipment to enable you to continuing living safely at home.
- Dementia Carer Support
- We can offer you one to one support and advice to help make life easier. We can also offer a listening ear and at our Dementia Cafés you can meet other people caring for those living with Dementia
01795 532766 or 01795 477520
Audiology (hearing loss) service
Although hearing aids are free on the NHS, the hearing aid remains the property of the NHS, and is given to you on loan. If is it believed any damage is incurred because of mishandling you may have to compensate the NHS.
Please note that although all NHS hearing aids are now digitial they are the Behind The Ear (BTE) style. If you want the smaller more discreet Receiver in Canal (RIC) style or Invisible in Canal (IIC) hearing aids, you would need to purchase these privately. Private audiology services offer free hearing test.
If you wish to have NHS hearing aids, please see your GP first to check your ears for wax. Local NHS providers are:
- Audiology department, Kent & Canterbury Hospital.
- Hearbase Ltd
- Northgate Medical Practice
- Specsavers Faversham
List of some local private providers in alphabetical order:
- amplifon, Canterbury. 01227 207108
- John High Opticians and Hearing Centre, Faversham. 01795 532803
- Hearbase, Canterbury. 0800 0286179
- Specsavers, Faversham. 01795 538319
Hi Kent (01227 760046) is a local charity for deaf and hard of hearing people who can offer advice and free aftercare clinics.

Blood Tests (phlebotomy)
Routine blood tests (18 years and over) can be booked at the practice-please contact reception to see our phlebotomist or Health Care Assistant.
- If the blood test is for a specialist, they should have given you a paper blood test form to get it done.
- You will need to bring the paper blood test form with you for the appointment.
- Without the paper blood test form, we will not be able to do the blood test for you.
- If the blood test is for your GP, then we create an online form, so there if no need to have a paper blood test form.
Blood tests (5 years and over) can also be done at the local hospitals-Kent & Canterbury Hospital (Canterbury), William Harvey Hospital (Ashford), Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital (Margate), Buckland Hospital (Dover) and Royal Victoria Hospital (Folkestone). Please see this link for further information and this link to book an appointment. If you can’t access this form online, please phone 01227 206739 instead.
- If the blood test is for a specialist, they should have given you a paper blood test form to get it done.
- You will need to bring the paper blood test form with you for the appointment.
- Without the paper blood test form, the hospital phlebotomist not be able to do the blood test for you.
- If the blood test is for your GP, we will need to print off a paper copy of the blood test form for the hospital phlebotomist.
Children’s blood tests (Under 5 years old) are done on the Paediatric wards at the hospital. Please phone to book an appointment.
- William Harvey Hospital, Ashford-Padua Ward 01233 651855
- Kent & Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury-Dolphin Ward 01227 864052
- Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital, Margate-Broadstairs Suite 01843 225544
Blue Badge-Disabled parking
Apply via Kent County Council
You automatically qualify if:
- you receive higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
- or you receive War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement
- or you receive Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) award, tariffs 1-8 and have been assessed by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) as having a permanent and substantial disability that causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty walking
- or you are registered as blind under the National Assistance Act 1948 (partially sighted people do not automatically qualify)
- you receive 8 points or more under the “moving around” activity of the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
You may qualify if:
- you have a child under 3 years old and need to transport bulky medical equipment for urgent treatment, or always be near a vehicle so they can be treated or driven to a place for treatment for a permanent illness
- or you drive a vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms and can’t work or have considerable difficulty working parking meters
- or have a permanent and substantial disability which affects your mobility and means you have considerable difficulty in walking.
Mobility assessment
We may ask you to come to an independent mobility assessment if we can’t decide based on your application. It is just to assess your mobility, not your general health. It’s free and carried out by a qualified professional.
Hospice patients
If you are receiving treatment from a hospice, they should use their official stamp on the address section of the form so we can prioritise the application.
Contact your hospice for more information.
Bowel cancer screening
Why it’s offered
Bowel cancer is a common type of cancer in both men and women. About 1 in 20 people will get it during their lifetime.
Screening can help detect bowel cancer at an early stage, when it’s easier to treat. It can also be used to help check for and remove small growths in the bowel called polyps, which can turn into cancer over time.
Screening test
The type of test used in NHS bowel cancer screening:
- home testing kit (the FOB test) – a kit you use to collect small samples of your poo and post them to a laboratory so they can be checked for tiny amounts of blood (which could be caused by cancer)
If these tests find anything unusual, you might be asked to have further tests to confirm or rule out cancer.
When it’s offered
NHS bowel cancer screening programme is being expanded to eventually include patients 50 and over:
Cohort age at first invitation | Year invitations start from |
Age 56 | 2021/22 |
Age 58 | 2022/23 |
Age 54 | 2023/24 |
Age 50 and 52 | 2024/25 |
- if you’re 60 to 74, you’ll automatically be invited to do a home testing kit every 2 years
- if you’re 75 or over, you can ask for a home testing kit every 2 years by calling the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60
If you’re too young for screening but are worried about a family history of bowel cancer, speak to your GP for advice.
Always see a GP if you have symptoms of bowel cancer at any age – don’t wait to have a screening test.
Risks of screening
No screening test is 100% reliable. There’s a chance a cancer could be missed, meaning you might be falsely reassured.
There’s also a small risk that the bowel scope screening test and some of the tests you might have if screening finds something unusual could damage your bowel, but this is rare.
There are no risks to your health from the home testing kit.
Click here for further information.
Breast cancer screening
About 1 in 8 women in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. If it’s detected early, treatment is more successful and there’s a good chance of recovery.
Breast screening aims to find breast cancers early. It uses an X-ray test called a mammogram that can spot cancers when they’re too small to see or feel.
But there are some risks of breast cancer screening that you should be aware of.
As the likelihood of getting breast cancer increases with age, all women aged 50 to 70 and registered with a GP are automatically invited for breast cancer screening every 3 years.
In the meantime, if you’re worried about breast cancer symptoms, such as a lump or area of thickened tissue in a breast, or you notice that your breasts look or feel different from what’s normal for you, don’t wait to be offered screening – see your GP.
Why is breast screening offered?
Most experts agree that regular breast screening is beneficial in identifying breast cancer early.
The earlier the condition is found, the better the chances of surviving it.
You’re also less likely to need a mastectomy (breast removal) or chemotherapy if breast cancer is detected at an early stage.
The main risk is that breast screening sometimes picks up cancers that may not have caused any symptoms or become life threatening. You may end up having unnecessary extra tests and treatment.
Read about the pros and cons of breast cancer screening.
When will I be offered breast screening?
Breast screening is currently offered to women aged 50 to 70 in England.
But currently there’s a trial to examine the effectiveness of offering some women one extra screen before the age of 50 and one after 70.
You’ll first be invited for screening between your 50th and 53rd birthday, although in some areas you’ll be invited from the age of 47 as part of the trial extension of the programme.
You may be eligible for breast screening before the age of 50 if you have a very high risk of developing breast cancer. For more information, read having a family history of breast cancer.
If you’re over the age of 70, you’ll stop receiving screening invitations.
You can still have screening after 70 if you want to, and can arrange an appointment by contacting your local screening unit or GP.
Find breast screening units in your area.
What happens during breast screening?
Breast screening involves having an X-ray (mammogram) at a special clinic or mobile breast screening unit. This is done by a female health practitioner.
Your breasts will be X-rayed one at a time. The breast is placed on the X-ray machine and gently but firmly compressed with a clear plate. Two X-rays are taken of each breast at different angles.
For more information, read what happens during breast cancer screening.
Breast screening results
After your breasts have been X-rayed, the mammogram will be checked for any abnormalities.
The results of the mammogram will be sent to you and your GP no later than 2 weeks after your appointment.
Following screening, about 1 in 25 women will be called back for further assessment.
Being called back doesn’t mean you definitely have cancer. The first mammogram may have been unclear.
About 1 in 4 women who are called back for further assessment are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Read more about understanding your results.
Click here for further information.
Kent Baby Matters help promote breastfeeding support groups in Kent. Call 0300 302 0223
- Faversham Breastfeeding Group with Peer Support. Wednesday 1pm-3pm. St Mary’s Children Centre, Orchard Place, Faversham, ME13 8AP. Call 03000 411033

Do I have cancer?
If you are concerned that you may have symptoms that could point to cancer please visit the following website. If you have a risk of a particular type of cancer that is greater than 3% it does not mean that you have cancer, or even that you need further tests, but you may do, and so you should arrange an appointment with your GP to discuss it further.
Support numbers/website for cancer patients
- Cancer Care Line 01227 868666
- Contact number for patient wishing to seek advice from their Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Chemotherapy/Immunotherapy urgent advice line for patients 01227 783096
- 24 hour patient advice line for patients currently having chemotherapy or immunotherapy
- One You walking programmes
- Cancer exercise referral scheme for physical activity and exercise
- Benefit and Employment support 01227 762122
- The Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service helps people living with cancer and beyond cancer, their families and carers to:
- Apply for social security benefits and tax credits
- Access Macmillan and other charitable grants
- Apply for help with health costs, such as travel to hospital
- Apply for travel concessions, such as disabled parking badge
- Deal with other benefit issues, such as challenging decisions
- Representation to Appeal against incorrect benefit decisions
- Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
- macmillanadmin@canterburycab.cabnet.org.uk
- The Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service helps people living with cancer and beyond cancer, their families and carers to:
- Cross Roads Carer Support 03450 956701
- Crossroads Care Kent support Carers and the people they care for. We help Carers to make a life of their own outside caring by providing quality care services offering peace of mind while they enjoy some time to themselves.
- Macmillan0808 808 0000
- Charity which offers support to individuals, families and carers through a number of services. They provide free booklets, leaflets and other resources.
- Mon-Fri 9am-8pm
- Complementary Therapies 01795 663050
- Harmonies Trust delivering therapies to cancer patients (referral form can be signed by your Oncologist or Macmillan Nurse)
- Faversham Counselling Service (FCS) and Macmillan-Recovery and Support Journey Talking group.
- Recovery and Support Journey Talking groups for people living with cancer, developing coping strategies and techniques for everyday life.
- Facilitated by experienced Counsellors and Wellbeing Practitioners.
- The Group Programme will be starting on the 29th November 2023.
- Sessions are every Wednesday for 8 weeks: 29/11/23 – 24/01/24 (not 27/12/23) and 31/1/24 – 20/03/24
- Online 9am-12pm
- Face to face 2pm – 5pm running concurrently at the following locations:
- Ashford: One You Centre, Park Mall, TN24 8RY
- Thanet: Palm Bay room, Holy Trinity Church, Margate, CT9 3TN
- For enquiries and to book please email: enquiries@fcskent.org or call us on 01795 591019.
Carers Support
Supporting those who care for a relative or friend.
A Carer is someone who, without payment provides help and support to a relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help due to physical or mental illness, addiction or disability. Becoming a Carer can happen to anyone at any time and affects people from all cultures and of all ages.
Click here or call 01304 364637
Carers’ Support East Kent (CSEK)
Over the last few months, Carers have become more isolated than ever and many more people have become Carers for the first time. While our usual face to face services have been suspended, we’ve been working hard to provide access to more of our information and support services online. We now have a brand new website (www.carersek.org.uk) which includes a live chat function (Mon-Fri 9-5) and have launched a Carers Forum where Carers can connect with each other and share information. We’ve also moved some of our drop-in sessions online and introduced some online wellbeing sessions including Knit and Natter, Chair Yoga and a group for Young Adult Carers. We’re also publishing a range of information videos for Carers.
We’ve also taken the opportunity to update our leaflets – our service, Carers’ Hospital Service, Carers’ Needs Assessments, Services for Young Adult Carers. You can find PDFs of them all here
Crossroads Care Kent
We help Carers to make a life of their own outside caring by providing quality care services offering peace of mind while they enjoy some time to themselves.
If you are providing care or support to a family member or friend because they are ill, elderly, frail or have a physical or learning disability, we can help. Our aim is to keep loved ones and the caring unit together.
Some of the services on offer:
- Short breaks for carers
- Carers Counselling-up to 12 weeks free counselling. Held in a safe, confidential environment offering you the opportunity to explore your own thoughts and feelings whilst learning coping strategies to move forward in your caring role.
- Young Carers support
- End of Life Care support
- Crisis Service
- Health appointment cover for Carers
- Dementia Outreach service-Cognitive Stimulation Group (COGS) is a club for people with mild to moderate dementia. The clubs are aimed at encouraging members to participate in meaningful activities, such as word games, current affairs, number games and creative fun in order to maintain an active mind. Clubs in Maidstone, Southborough and West Malling. Each session is £35, including lunch and refreshments through the day.
- Volunteer Service-In partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support.
Website here.
e-mail: enquiries@crossroadskent.org
telephone: 03450 956 701
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common medical disorder caused by entrapment of the median nerve in the wrist-this causes symptoms of tingling (pins and needles) in the thumb, index, and ring fingers. This is often worse at night.
East Kent Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust run a web site to help diagnose, track and record symptom severity and response to treatment. Patients are able to sign up to an account and complete an online questionnaire. If the questionnaire indicates a high risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, patients are able to contact the specialist directly via the website to arrange further testing and treatment.
Further information for patients can be found at www.carpal-tunnel.net.
Children ADHD and ASD referrals
Before considering a referral for ADHD/ASD assessment, please read the following guidance provided by East Kent Children’s Commissioning Support Team:
“Considerable support is available within Early Years and education settings to support children and young people. Staff have often received training in managing many of the problems experienced. We want to ensure the full pathway is being accessed, particularly the early stages, before a referral for assessment is made.
Early Years and school settings attend Local Inclusion Forum Teams (LIFT) as a place to discuss issues relating to a child’s education and to receive guidance on providing the correct educational approach. LIFTs are attended by Specialist Teaching and Learning Services (STLS), Educational Psychologists, Speech and language Therapy, as well as CAMHS workers and Early Help. LIFTs also provide learning opportunities for families to develop further understanding of ASD in such areas as managing sleep, surviving the supermarket and use of social stories as a strategy. Kent Educational Psychologists are also available to provide specialist advice within the educational setting around issues preventing a child from accessing the curriculum, either due to academic or behavioural problems. School Nurses or Health Visitors are also able to provide initial interventions, particularly around ASD.
Schools can directly refer children to assessment services, and parents/patients can self-refer. Access is not exclusively through the GP.
In order to ensure the pathway is being followed correctly, before agreeing to a referral for ADHD/ASD assessment, please ask the following:
Whether the family has sought advice from the education or early years setting, and what the outcome was if so?
If it does not appear that the pathway has been followed, please direct the family to their school SENCO or early years link worker, who can discuss the LIFT process with them.”
Click here for a link to a Handbook for Kent families who would like to know more about Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Please note this does not cover Medway although some of the information in the book may be of interest. It was developed with help from parents and carers of children waiting for an assessment for autism and/or ADHD in the Canterbury area. The parents and partners involved in developing this Handbook wanted to make sure it has information that families would find useful.
There are also some helpful videos for parents of children recently diagnosed with Autism.
The Autism Apprentice CIC also run some Advice Clinics for parents.
The process for referral at NELFT is here. They accept self referrals from parents and from the young person directly.
Cygnet Parenting Support Programme for parents and carers of autistic childen and young people aged 5-18.
ADHD Foundation have a wide range of videos, podcasts and downloads to help with concerns such as sleep support, preparing for exams, impulse control and risk management, supporting social skills and relationships, and staying calm and positive.
Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) have a good range of CBT modules which can help with common issues such as productivity, executive function, problem solving and active listening skills.
ADDitude have a good overview of apps to help with ADHD and time management issues.
Children and Young People Mental Health Services (CYPMHS)
If your child is struggling at school, your first port of call should be the school SENCO to raise your concerns. Please try and be clear as to that you are struggling with.
If you are still having issues the school can refer you to local services run by NELFT (see below) or you can self refer.
North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) will provide the new county wide Children & Young People’s Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) from 1 September 2017.
This is part of a number of developments in recent months to improve support services for children and young people’s emotional health and well being including more support for emotional health through the School Health Service which began in April 2017 and the roll out of the Headstart programme in Kent.
Part of the offer will be Mental Health Workers in the Early Help Units and in the Kent Education Health Needs Service. There will be a single point of access for referrals to the new service and referrals will be welcomed from all sources.
Click here for information about the support services available.
Click here to access their website with further details, or else you can access their online self-help resources by signing up for free to MindFresh
Making a referral:
Children and Young people, parents, school, and other professionals can refer directly by
- Telephone 0800 011 3474 (Single point of access-24hr a day for crisis or emergencies)
There are alternate online services available
- www.bigwhitewall.com to join our online mental health community
- Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use. For more information about Kooth, please visit Kooth.com. If you’re a parent looking for more information about Kooth, please email parents@xenzone.com
- Headstart Kent -locally based, online resource for 10-16yr olds
- Chill Panda App on your smartphone (anxiety)
- Calm Harm App on your smartphone (self harm)
Useful books
- Worries and Anxiety
- Starving the Anxiety Gremlin (Kate Collins-Donnelly)
- My Hidden Chimp (Steve Peters)
- The Big Life Journal (biglifejournal.com)
- What to do when you worry too much: A kid’s guide to overcoming anxiety (Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews)
- Emotional Regulation and Defiance
- The Explosive Child (Ross W Greene)
- 10 days to a less defiant child (Jeffrey Bernstein)
- The Incredible 5-Point Scale (Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis)
- 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 (Thomas Phelan)
- General Troubleshooting
- The Incredible Years: A trouble-shooting guide for parents of children aged 2-8 years (Carolyn Webster-Stratton)
- Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, ADHD
- The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and coping with Sensory Processing Disorder (Carol Stock Kranowitz)
- The Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (and their parents) (Elizabeth Verdick)
- Autism: How to raise a happy autistic child (Jessie Hewitson)
- Sensory Integration education
Helpful links
- National Autistic Society
- Kent Autistic Trust
- Kent Community Health-support for adults with Autism
- Special Need Advisory and Activities Project (SNAAP)-run Kent based activities for children with additional needs
- ADHD Foundation-mental health education and training services for ADHD
- National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service (ADDISS)-Information and resources for ADHD
- Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)-free advice and online resource around your rights as parents to special education and assistance with EHCP process
- Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK)-Information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities, free impartial and confidential
- Young Minds-lots of information, videos and parents helpline
- NSPCC Online Safety
- Royal College Psychiatry-help with self harm
- NSPCC Keeping children safe-self harm
- Holding On Letting Go-Kent based charity that helps children to cope with the death of someone close to them
- CHUMS is a specialist bereavement service helping to support children and young people from 3 1/2 years to 25 years olds who are experiencing complex grief or who have had a traumatic bereavment. 01622 427300 or info@chums.uk.com
- “Tricky Friends”-Is an online video produced by Kent & Medway Safeguarding Team which aims to share a message around exploitation/abuse/mate crime.
- Mind and Body in Kent-supports young people aged 13-25 who are self-harming, at risk of self-harming or struggling with their mental wellbeing. We help them find positive ways to manage difficult thoughts and feelings, working 1:1 and in small groups, both in educational settings and within the community. We can also help with parent and carer support. 01795 500882
Children’s Therapies Team “The Pod”
Welcome to The Pod! Here you will find films, resources and links that can help your child achieve their therapy goals.
We support children and young people to develop their skills to their full potential, so they can participate in everyday activities. We work in partnership with you, your child and any other important people in their life.
The Pod has been developed by the Integrated Children’s Therapies teams, provided by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. Services cover Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech & Language Therapy and Care Coordination.
Further details and self referral forms here.
Citizens Advice Bureau
People come to us with all sorts of issues. You may have money, benefit, housing or employment problems. You may be facing a crisis, or just considering your options. Click here
Citizens Advice Swale
Faversham: 0344 848 7978
Sittingbourne: Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3HT 0344 848 7978
Other helpful services:
- The Pension Service (Government service) 0800 731 7898
- Website: www.gov.uk/state-pension
- The Money and Pensions Service (Independent advice service) 0800 011 3797
- Website: maps.org.uk
- Attendance Allowance 0345 605 6055
- Website: www.gov.uk/attendance-allowance
- Carers’ Allowance
- Website: www.gov.uk/carers-allowance
- PIP (Personal Independence Payment) 0800 917 2222
- Website: www.gov.uk/pip
- CROP (Citizen’s Rights for Older People) 01622 851200
- Based in Lenham near Maidstone but have volunteers covering most of Kent. They can help you with form filling and general Information. (May have limited Capacity)
- Website: livewellkent.org.uk
Benefits Calculators
- If you do not have access to the internet but have family or friends who can assist you, there are some useful online benefits calculators, one of these being provided by the Age UK National service:
- Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/money-legal/benefits-entitlements/benefits-calculator/
Continence Service
Run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Nurse and physiotherapy service providing clinical advice, support and information to patients and healthcare professionals/carers on continence and how to treat and manage symptoms of bladder and bowel dysfunction, including incontinence. See your GP for a referral.
Counselling Services (Talking Therapies)
Able to help with the following conditions for people aged 17 and over:
- Anxiety Disorder or feeling anxious, stressed or panicky
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Depression or feeling low
- Problems with low self-esteem
- Phobias, including social anxiety
- Relationship difficulties
- Coping with a traumatic life event
- Anger management
- Other mental health issues
Self-referral using details below. These are free for patients to access a limited number of sessions:
- Kent and Medway Talking Therapies 0333 091 0414 or Text ‘KMTALK’ to 88802
Useful Numbers:
- Samaritans (safe place to talk about any issues you have) 116 123
- Mental Health Matters (support and care for people with mental health problems) 0800 107 0160
- PAPYRUS (Young Suicide Prevention Society) 0800 068 4141
- Relate (marital guidance) 0300 100 1234
- Cruse Bereavement Care 0808 808 1677
- Sudden.org (Sudden Bereavement Help) 0800 2600 400
- National Bereavement Service 0800 0246 121
- Mind (mental health) 0300 123 3393
- Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 9177 650
- Victim Support (help after crime) 0808 1689 111
- Rape Crisis 0808 500 2222
- Beech House (Sexual Assault referral centre for Kent & Medway residents) 0330 223 0099
- Family Matters (Kent counselling for children and adult survivors of sexual abuse and rape.) 01474 536661
- Refuge (domestic violence) 0808 2000 24 or Hestia.org for online help via App
- Ashford Hub Drug and Alcohol Service (substance misuse) 0300 123 1186
- Childline 0800 1111
- Release the Pressure (Suicide prevention) 0800 107 0160
COVID Symptoms-Long COVID
Supporting your recovery after COVID-19
As you find yourself recovering from COVID-19 you may still be coming to terms with the impact the virus has had on both your body and mind.
These changes should get better over time, some may take longer than others, but there are things you can do to help.
This NHS long-term COVID page helps you to understand what has happened and what you might expect as part of your recovery.
If you have breathing difficulties after COVID-19 infection, please see this link from Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation.

Dementia support
In Kent there are local organisations that offer support, advice and guidance if you have dementia or if you care for someone who has dementia. There is also a 24-hour dementia helpline (or call 0800 500 3014) offering emotional support for people with dementia and their carers in Kent and Medway.
Further information on this KCC webpage link.
Dementia Drop in clinic in Faversham
- Last thursday of every month
- 3-5pm Age UK Faversham, 2 Middle Row, Faversham, ME13 7AJ
- Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with dementia and would like some support or advice over a cuppa?
- Canterbury Mental Health Team and Age UK are hosting this new service for Faversham carers and people with a diagnosis of dementia.
- Private consultation room are available
- Who is available to meet with you?
- Memory Service Doctor
- Memory Service Nurse
- Solicitor
- Community Warden
- Health and Social Care Co-ordinator
- Age UK
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Carers support
- Crossroads
- For more information, please contact Age UK Faversham 01795 532766
GPs do not treat dental issues. Please see your dentist if you are having any dental issues.
There are several dentists locally. In alphabetical order:
- Faversham Dental Practice. 83a Preston Street. 01795 532897
- Hilton Dentistry. Stone Street. 01795 591899
- mydentist. Jubilee Way. 01795 535640
- Not registered with a NHS dentist. Ring NHS 111 or visit NHS Choices.
- You can also call the Dental helpine on 0300 1234412
For emergency dental service when your usual dentist is closed, contact 111 or Kent Dentaline on 01634 890300
- Treatment for patients who develop severe dental problems when dental surgeries are closed.
- At DentaLine, treatment is limited to pain relief and temporary dressings. Following your appointment with DentaLine, you should book an appointment with your own dentist to complete your treatment.
- NHS charges apply, unless you are exempt. Proof of exemption must be shown at time of treatment. Payment must be made before seeing the dentist.
- Clinics are held at a variety of locations and times. Attendance is by appointment only.
- To find out more and to ask about making an appointment please contact
- 01634 890300 at the below times:
- Monday to Friday: 6.00pm – 11.00pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 8.30am – 1.30pm and 6.00pm – 11.00pm
- Bank Holidays: 8.30am – 1.30pm and 6.00pm – 11.00pm
If you have special needs, you can also contact the Community Dental Service. This is for:
- children with extensive untreated tooth decay who are particularly anxious or uncooperative
- children with physical or learning disabilities or medical conditions
- children referred for specific treatment
- children who are “looked after” or on the “at risk register”
- adults with complex needs who have a proven difficulty in accessing or accepting care in general dental services, including adults with moderate and severe learning and physical disabilities or mental health problems
- adults with medical conditions who need additional dental care
- housebound and homeless people
To find out more about the community dental care available in your area, contact NHS England on 0300 311 2233
The NHS has produced some comprehensive advice for patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Diabetic retinopathy eye screening
- There is a new Kent & Medway Diabetic Eye Screening Programme which is now run by Health Intelligence.
- For futher infomation on their website, click here. 01233 880000
Diabetes Education
- Spirit Hub has been commissioned locally to run Diabetes Education courses in Kent and Medway area.
- This is for both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
- For further information on their website, click here.
District Nursing Team
The District Nursing team is only able to see patients who are bedbound or housebound and who need nursing care. They can also carry out procedures including giving medicines, taking blood, changing dressings, and ear syringing. They also provide end of life care. Access is via the Canterbury Local Referral Unit (LRU)
0300 123 4415
Domestic Violence
Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (KIDAS)
Call 0808 168 9111 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Support can be accessed by contacting Victim Support for assessment and referral to your local service via 0808 168 9111, using SignLive or the Live Chat facility.
Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (KIDAS) offers person-centred support to victims (16+) in Kent. This service includes:
- Support within safe refuge accommodation
- Specialist Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) support
- Community Outreach Services
- Therapeutic and group programmes (e.g. Freedom or Phoenix Programme)
- Emergency welfare assistance for clients in crisis (food, energy, travel)
This service can also support access to Sanctuary provision (adaptations to make the home safer) and support for children and young people residing in safe accommodation.
SATEDA (Swale Action to End Domestic Violence)
01795 417251 or click here
SATEDA’s vision is to end domestic abuse. Our mission is to enable people to end the cycle of domestic abuse and rebuild their lives, through education, support and advocacy. We provide a full journey of support to victims and survivors of domestic abuse, enabling them to take back control and break free from domestic abuse.
Please note that we are not an emergency service. If you are in immediate danger, call 999.
Need help?
If you are in an abusive relationship, are worried about your relationship or want to access any of SATEDA’s services, give us a call, or come to one of the Drop In services listed below. You don’t need an appointment and you will always receive a warm welcome and a listening ear.
What will happen when I visit?
No matter how you first get in touch with us, you will first have a chat with one of SATEDA’s experienced team members. You will be asked to share your story with one of our team, who will also do a risk assessment with you to help decide what support you need. We promise to believe you, to never judge you and to keep things confidential. Depending on your situation and what you would like to do, we will offer you access to the various types of support that SATEDA provides, as well as sign posting or referring to other agencies that could help you. We will also create a safety plan for you to help you stay safe.
Asking for help is an incredibly brave thing to do and is the first step on your journey towards freedom. SATEDA will commit to being with you on the rest of your journey for as long as you need us to be, but we will never force you to continue or make you accept our help and support.
Drop in services
- Bysing Wood Children’s Centre-Lower Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7NU
- Second and fourth Thursday of the month 12pm-2pm
- West Faversham Community Centre-Bysing Wood Rd, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7RH
- Every Thursday 9.30am-11am
- Sittingbourne Library-Central Ave, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4AH
- Second and fourth Tuesday of the month 10am-11.30am.
Rising Sun (Domestic Violence & Abuse Service)
Helpline 01227 452 852 (9am-5pm every day, 5pm-10pm on Fridays) or website
Free information, advice and support for people experiencing doestic abuse. No appointment needed.
Every Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm. Prince of Wales Youth Club, Military Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YX
If you require additional support
- 24hr Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline 0808 2000 247
Domestic abuse is an increasingly common problem across all genders and male victims can often find it difficult to speak about or access support.
Mankind is a support and signposting service for men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband.
01823 334244

Early Pregnancy Unit
If you are in the early stages of pregnancy (positive home pregnancy test under 16 weeks gestation) and have vaginal bleeding or mild pain, you can directly contact the Early Pregnancy Units for advice and assessment.
- Early Pregnancy Unit (QEQM)
- Monday to Friday 8am to 3.30pm; Saturday 8am to 2pm
- Telephone: 01843 234469
- Early Pregnancy Unit (Kent and Canterbury)
- Monday to Friday 8am to 1pm
- Telephone: 01227 864369
- Early Pregnancy Unit (WHH)
- Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm; Sunday 7am to 1pm
- Telephone: 01233 633331 ext 723 8268
Eating Disorders
- The All Age Eating Disorder Service for Kent and Medway is a specialist service. Our service aims to bring hope and confidence, through help and support, to those who have an eating disorder, to enable them to take back control of their life by overcoming their eating disorder.
- Eating disorders involve disturbances in eating behaviour, such as extreme and unhealthy restriction of food intake and/or severe overeating, as well as feelings of distress or extreme concern about body shape and /or weight. Such disturbances can put physical health and functioning at risk. Eating disorders can be triggered by a variety of causes such as genetics, psychological and/or social influences. More often they are a way of coping with difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
- Commonly, people with eating disorders feel that controlling their eating habits is the only way they can maintain control of their life, when in fact the eating disorder begins to control them.
Further details are here. Minimum age for referrals is 8 years.
Patients can self-refer on 0300 300 1980 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
Emergency Contraception
Service provision commissioned by KCC
If you’ve had unprotected sex and are worried you may get pregnant, you have 2 choices of emergency contraception:
- Morning after pill
- The morning after pill can be taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected sex but is most effective if you take it as soon as possible. Find out where to get the morning after pill from a pharmacist or clinic near you by clicking here(if you are under 30yrs old some clinics offer free contraception). You can also book to see your GP or attend Faversham MIU when your GP surgery is closed.
- The Coil
- The coil can be used as emergency contraception but needs to be inserted within 5 days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. To have a coil fitted, book an appointment to visit one of these clinics.
If you’re too late for emergency contraception
- You can access advice by calling our helpline on 0300 790 0245 between 8am and 8pm Monday to Thursday, 8am and 5pm on Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday.
- Alternatively, you can visit one of our clinics.
- You can also get advice about unplanned pregnancy from the MSI Reproductive Choices UK website.

Faversham Children’s Centres
Children’s Centres are a ‘one-stop shop’ for children under 5 and their families/carers.
The Faversham Children’s Centres at St Mary’s and Bysing Wood work together to deliver a range of services in Faversham for children under 5 and their families covering childcare, health, family and support services in a supportive, understanding and positive environment.
The Centre’s are open to all parents, carers and children and many of the services are free.
Each centre offers different services, including:
- Support with breast feeding.
- Support with parenting and speech and language.
- Drop-in play sessions for parents and children, such as;
- Activity roundabout
- Under one’s group
- Play and stay groups
- Special events during the Summer and Christmas holidays;
- Childminders groups
- Bi-lingual group for parents and their children
- Antenatal classes
- Baby clinics
Health visitors, midwives, and other agencies work from the centres.
Starting week of 29th May 2018, there is a new baby hub at the St Mary’s Children centre every Thursday 1-3pm
- This hub will offer families the opportunity to have contact with the health visiting team and receive advice and support on topics such as infant feeding, behaviour, healthy weights and sleep.
- In addition to that we will be providing a breastfeeding drop in’s every week.
- We will also be delivering parenting programmes which will cover: infant wellbeing, managing minor illness and reducing accidents, learning through play and introducing solid foods.
St Mary’s Children’s Centre
Orchard Place
ME13 8AP
Tel: 03000 411033
Email: stmary01@kent.gov.uk
Location map
Bysing Wood Children’s Centre
Lower Road
ME13 7NU (for your sat nav enter – ME13 7NY)
Tel: 03000 417740
Email: bwcc01@kent.gov
Faversham Community Groups and Support Services
Food Bank
- We are based in the Gospel Mission on Tanners Street and are open evening Wednesday and Friday from 1.30 to 4pm.
- Our website is here or else you can contact us on 07938 720 604 (answerphone)
- People who are in food need should get a voucher (bright red) from one of the various agencies in town (Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Age UK. Most of the local Primary Schools and churches) and bring it to us.
- The voucher will tell us some details of the individuals in the family unit (or a single individual of course) which will give us name and address and the numbers and rough ages of the people involved.
- Please note that we treat confidentiality extremely seriously and all staff have signed agreements.
- We will then run through a list of preferences and food needs with the client and put together a package in bags.
- We can also offer toiletries and cleaning products and we also try and keep some pet food in stock.
- We can look after people who are rough sleeping.
- The volunteers also offer a hot drink and biscuits and we chat about the problems that have led to the need to occur.
- Where possible we try to signpost people to agencies who can offer more practical help with issues such as debt, benefit problems etc.
Food Friends
- Food Friends is a registered charity working hard to bring our community together through food and friendship. We run a meal sharing initiative that connects volunteers who would love to deliver an extra portion of their home cooked food, as and when they can, to a neighbour who would enjoy this along with a friendly chat. If you would like a home cooked meal, delivered with kindness and care, please contact us on hello@food-friends.co.uk / 01227 250 410 and have a chat with one of our friendly team. Our meal sharing is free of charge and all of our volunteers are DBS and reference checked.
- Details here
Cost of Living
- Helpful Cost of Living Help from Faversham Town Council for local help with the cost of living crisis.

GP Practice
The practice is open 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday (closed weekends and Bank Holidays). Please go to the GP reception desk at the Faversham Health Centre.
01795 905577

Health Care Assistant
Phone the surgery to book to see your Health Care Assistant.
01795 905577
Health Walks
Health Walk Booklets are out now, detailing all the One You Health Walks within East Kent.
To compliment existing One You Weight Loss, Smokefree and Lifestyle services, Health Walks are short, local walks designed to help anyone to get active, get outdoors and meet new people. Led by friendly volunteers, Health Walks are especially good for people who are recovering from illness, or who just need a bit of extra motivation to take more exercise. Walks usually take from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, and leave from central locations such as your local library or community centre. There’s no need to book, just turn up and join in!
Why walk?
- Reduce your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Reduce stress.
- Meet new people.
- Lower your blood pressure.
- It’s free!
We have Health Walks in Ashford, Canterbury, Faversham, Sittingbourne, Sheppey, Dover, Deal, Folkestone, Hythe, Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs and New Romney and villages.
In the last year, 3,052 walkers have carried out 3,213 walks with 45,654 attendees.
So why not come along and join in or refer someone.
For further information and resources
Call: 0300 123 1220 (Option 2)
Email: kcht.healthwalks@nhs.net
Visit: www.kentcht.nhs.uk/service/one-you-kent/health-walks (Booklets can be found via this link under Downloads)
Health Visiting Service
Run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
We support families with a new baby or a child aged under five-years-old. We help you and your family to be healthy; both emotionally and physically. Working together with you, we can provide advice, support and confidential health advice.
We can advise on:
- your child’s growth and development
- immunisations
- common infections in childhood
- common skin problems
- behaviour difficulties, such as sleeping, eating, potty training, temper tantrums and teething
- breastfeeding, weaning, healthy eating, hygiene, safety and exercise
- post-natal depression, bereavement and violence in the family.
We also:
- work in partnership with families to tailor whole family health plans to your needs
- organise and run baby clinics
- get involved with health promotion groups, breast feeding support groups, parent support groups and parenting course
- work closely with GPs, midwives, children’s centres and some voluntary groups
- work with communities to identify any needs in your local area, which health visitors may be able to support.
0300 1234 014 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday)
Are you struggling with your baby crying? Speak to your Midwife of Health Visitor about ICON.
EasyPeasy app. Kent County Council is excited to offer you free, premium access to EasyPeasy – an app full of parenting tips, advice and activities for you and your 0-5 year old. Click here for details.
Kent & Canterbury Hospital (no A&E department)-01227 766877
Ethelbert Road
William Harvey Hospital-01233 633331
Kennington Road
TN24 0LZ
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital-01843 225544
St Peters Road
Medway Maritime Hospital-01634 830000
Windmill Road

Insomnia (Sleep Issues)
Sleepio is a six-week clinically proven programme used to treat insomnia, available free on the NHS.

Life threatening conditions
Call 999
Lifestyle Advisors-One You
One You Lifestyle Advisors- formally known as Health Trainers.
- We offer free, confidential one-to-one support to help patients make positive lifestyle changes. We work in the most deprived areas of Kent to reduce health inequalities.
- We offer up to six free sessions of support, encouragement and practical assistance in local venues.
- We work with our clients to establish what changes they want to make, to develop a personalised behaviour change plan and to provide support and encouragement to enable them to achieve their goals.
- Issues we can help with include:
- accessing local services
- physical activity
- healthy eating
- healthy weight
- stopping smoking
- alcohol/drugs concerns
- reducing stress
- sexual health concerns.
- Referral criteria
- Health Trainers work mainly with clients aged 18-65, though we will accept referrals for over 65s if they would benefit from our service.
- We cannot accept referrals for patients who have unstable mental health conditions or who are not compliant with their medication regime.
- Please see your GP or speak to the receptionist to book in to see Mark who is available every Friday

Medications for Flying
Policy on Prescription Medications for Flying
For the following reasons we will no longer be providing Diazepam or similar drugs for flight anxiety, and instead suggest the links to aviation industry recommended flight anxiety courses at the end of the page. Flight anxiety does not come under the remit of General Medical Services as defined in the GP contract and so we are not obliged to prescribe for this. Patients who still wish to take benzodiazepines for flight anxiety are advised to consult with a private GP or travel clinic.
Initial use of benzodiazepines, including the well-known Diazepam also known as ‘Valium’, was enthusiastic and they were hailed as a wonder drug. However, it became increasingly clear that, as well as having short term deleterious effects on memory, co-ordination, concentration and reaction times, they were also addictive if used for a long time, with withdrawal leading to fits, hallucinations, agitation and confusion, and further had long-term effects on cognition and balance. Unfortunately, benzodiazepines have also become a widely used drug of abuse since they first came on the market. Because of these reasons the use of benzodiazepines has been a lot more controlled around the world since the 1980-90s, especially in the UK.
Diazepam in the UK is a Class C/Schedule IV controlled drug. The following short guide outlines the issues surrounding its use with regards to flying and why the surgery no longer prescribes such medications for this purpose. People often come to us requesting the doctor or nurse to prescribe diazepam for fear of flying or assist with sleep during flights. Diazepam is a sedative, which means it makes you sleepy and more relaxed. There are a number of very good reasons why prescribing this drug is not recommended.
According to the prescribing guidelines doctors follow (British National Formulary) diazepam is contraindicated (not allowed) in treating phobic states. It also states that “the use of benzodiazepines to treat short-term ‘mild’ anxiety is inappropriate.” Your doctor would be taking a significant legal risk by prescribing against these guidelines. They are only licensed short term for a crisis in generalised anxiety. If this is the case, you should be getting proper care and support for your mental health and not
going on a flight.
NICE guidelines suggest that medication should not be used for mild and self-limiting mental health disorders. In more significant anxiety related states, benzodiazepines, sedating antihistamines or antipsychotics should not be prescribed. Benzodiazepines are only advised for the short-term use for a crisis in generalised anxiety disorder in which case they are not fit to fly.
Fear of flying in isolation is not a generalised anxiety disorder.
- -Although plane emergencies are a rare occurrence there are concerns about reduced awareness and reaction times for patients taking Diazepam which could pose a significant risk of not being able to react in a manner which could save their life in the event of an emergency on board necessitating evacuation.
- -The use of such sedative drugs can make you fall asleep, however when you do sleep it is an unnatural non-REM sleep. This means you won’t move around as much as during natural sleep. This can cause you to be at an increased risk of developing a blood clot (Deep Vein Thrombosis – DVT) in the leg or even the lungs. Blood clots are very dangerous and can even prove fatal. This risk is even greater if your flight is greater than 4 hours, the amount of time which has been shown to increase the risk of developing DVT whether in an aeroplane or elsewhere.
- -Whilst most people find Diazepam sedating, a small number have paradoxical agitation and aggression. They can also cause disinhibition and lead you to behave in a way that you would not normally which can pose a risk on the plane. This could impact on your safety as well as that of other passengers and could also get you into trouble with the law. A similar effect can be seen with alcohol, which has led to people being removed from flights.
- -A study published in 1997 from the Stanford University School of Medicine showed that there is evidence use of Benzodiazepines stops the normal adjustment response that would gradually lessen anxiety over time and therefore perpetuates and may increase anxiety in the long term, especially if used repeatedly.
- –Diazepam and similar controlled drugs are illegal in a number of countries. They may be confiscated or you may find yourself in trouble with the police. The passenger may also need to use a different strategy for the homeward bound journey and/or other legs of the journey.
- -Diazepam stays in your system for quite a while. If your job requires you to submit to random drug testing, you may fail this having taken diazepam.It is important to declare all medical conditions and medications you take to your travel insurer. If not, there is a risk of nullifying any insurance policy you may have.
- Further information
- EasyJet – Fearless Flyer
- British Airways – Flying with Confidence
- Flying without Fear
Thank you for your understanding.
Faversham Medical Practice
Mental Health
Release the Pressure – 24hr helpline call 0800 107 0160
Text support – 24 hr mental health crisis support Text “Kent” to 85258
There is also this Handy Guide to Primary Care Mental Health Services Primary Care Service Directory
Service | Support | Contact |
Adult Urgent Mental health support-Kent & Medway | 24 hour helpline for urgent mental health support, advice and guidance. Provided by Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT). | 0800 783 9111 |
Under 18’s Mental Health support-Kent & Medway | Provides emotional wellbeing and mental health advice and support for young people and their families across Kent. Call the 24 hour single point of access number. | 0300 123 4496 (select option one, then option three) |
NHS Talking Therapy (IAPT)-East Kent Only | Talking therapy services offer time-limited, evidence-based psychological therapies. All services offer treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), stress management and sometimes group work. Psychological therapies can help with anxiety, depression, Stress, trauma, Phobias and other related problems. All services are operating remotely via telephone and online appointments. Therapeutic appointments are available weekdays and evenings and some weekend appointments are available. NHS England have provided evidence that online treatment is as effective as face to face and patient experience is reported as high satisfaction. | Kent and Medway Talking Therapies 0333 091 0414 Text ‘KMTALK’ to 88802 |
Canterbury Safe Haven-Kent & Medway | The Kent and Medway Safe Havens are there to support your mental health 365 days of the year. If you are struggling and need to speak to someone you can just drop in. Available 6pm – 11pm 365 days per year for anyone 16+. Drop in, no appointment is needed. | Canterbury Safe Haven: 22-23 North Lane Canterbury, CT2 7EE. Canterbury.mhm@nhs.net 07876 476 703 07483 163 953 (general enquiries 6pm-11pm) |
Live Well Kent-Kent & Medway | Live Well Kent can help you improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing. They can help with keeping active and healthy, meeting people, everyday living, managing your money, including debt and benefits, housing support and guidance, training and work. For anyone over 17. | 0800 567 7699 info@livewellkent.org.uk or contact via the website |
Take Off Peer Support-East Kent | Peer support groups for anyone struggling with mental health issues – Operating remote groups or 1 to1’s available. Please call for more information. | 01227 788211 |
Kent Together-Kent | If you have money worries or are looking for ways you can make your money go further, we can help you to find your way through to the advice and support available. | Kent Together website |
Carers Support-East Kent | Phone support for Carers | 01304 364 637 |
SUN (Service User Network)-Kent and Medway | SUN is a new open access peer-led supportive service running groups county wide for individuals struggling with difficulties associated with Complex Emotional Difficulties (or personality disorder). SUN is not a therapy group or standalone treatment, it empowers it’s members to manage their difficulties. It can be attended alongside any other treatment. | SUN membership is through self-referral. This involves completing a short registration form along with a questionnaire. Website Email: sun.kentandmedway@nhs.net Tel: 01622 926802 (answerphone only) |
ARMS | The ARMS service aims to help prevent the development of a first episode of psychosis. We work with people between the ages of 14 and 35 who are struggling with unusual experiences that can be distressing like hearing voices, seeing things others do not, feeling paranoid and/or have developed some unusual beliefs others do not share. | Contact on 01227 812390 See Leaflet Here |
- “Tricky Friends”-Is an online video produced by Kent & Medway Safeguarding Team which aims to share a message around exploitation/abuse/mate crime.
Run by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
If you are newly pregnant, you can register to see the midwife online by clicking this link. You do not need to see your GP to book to see a midwife, but it would be helpful to let us know that you are pregnant.
If you need to contact your midwife, please ring the number given by your midwife, which should be in your maternity pack.
Maternity Community Liaison Office
01227 864152
Mobility Aids
Run by Kent County Council who help to provide services to the NHS.
Kent County Council recommend Safe and Well as a service provided by NRS Healthcare which enables you to find out about getting equipment if you’re not eligible for social care.

NHS 111
NHS 111 is available for all general advice and medical queries.
Call 111

Older Drivers
Driving a car is an important part of personal, family and work life for millions of us, providing freedom and independence to get about as and when we need to. Driving can be enjoyable and pleasant, but it also involves a certain amount of risk, and can be stressful.
Experienced drivers are, in general, safer than those with less experience. But as we get older, our health and fitness, often including our eyesight, physical condition and reaction times, begins to decline. Age related conditions can also begin to affect our driving. Of course, this is different for each person; there isn’t an age at which we automatically become unsafe to drive.
Many drivers recognise that their driving ability is changing and so change when and where they drive (this is often called ‘self-regulation’). There are also several simple things we can do to help us continue to drive, safely, for as long as possible, such as taking regular driving assessments and refresher training.
However, there comes a time when each of us need to reduce our driving, or even stop altogether. Taking advice from your doctor, or another health professional, and from family or friends can be very helpful.
This website will help you to:
- Recognise whether and how your driving is changing
- Decide what you can do to cope with these changes and find help, such as medical advice, driving assessments and training and vehicle adaptations
- Find a driving assessment or refresher training for your needs
- Understand your legal obligations, such as DVLA rules and procedures
- Plan for the need to change when and where you drive, and if it becomes necessary, to retire from driving.
Click here for further information and advice.
There are several opticians in town. In alphabetical order:
- John High Opticians. 8 Market Street. 01795 532803
- Optima Opticians. Jacob Yard, 4 Preston Street. 01795 531885
- Specsavers Optician. 1 Preston Street. 01795 538319

Did you know that we provide Eye Services for –
- Cataract Surgery
- Minor Eye Conditions (MECS)
- WET Age Related Macular Degeneration – WAMD
- General Ophthalmology Clinics
Please speak to your GP or Optician for a referral

Faversham Medical Practice are proud to be a Parkrun Practice in association with Sittingbourne Parkrun.
- Why not improve your health and fitness by taking part in a free 5k walk, jog or run?
- All ages and abilities welcome and yes you can walk, jog or run-the choice is yours.
- Bring the buggy or the dog, come with friends or come alone-everything goes.
- If you would rather you can volunteer to help with the event-it is every Saturday morning at 9am.
See here for more information about Parkrun and to register. Click here to find out about the Sittingbourne Parkrun.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is here to provide help, information and non medical advice about your care and treatment. We can help you with queries, sending compliments or making a formal complaint.
The quickest and easiest way to deal with queries in the first instance is to talk to a member of staff. If you are staying in the hospital, ask to speak to the Ward Manager or the Matron. If you are an Outpatient, ask at reception and they can find the right person for you to speak to.
They will be able to listen to your query and will try to help to resolve your issue.
If talking hasn’t resolved the issue, then contact the Patient Advice & Liaison Service. We can:
- Give you information about our hospital services and the choices available to you and your family, visitors and carers at each of our hospitals
- Listen to your comments, compliments or concerns about the services provided in our hospital
- Help you to resolve, as quickly as possible, any problems or issues that you have about our hospital services
- Give you information about the formal complaints process and independent advocacy services.
Office opening hours:
Kent and Canterbury Hospital – Trust Offices:
- Monday to Friday 9.30am to 16.00pm
William Harvey Hospital, Ashford:
- Monday to Friday 9.30am to 16.00pm
QEQM Hospital, Margate:
- Monday to Friday 9.30am to 16.00pm
Contact us
We’re open Monday to Friday (apart from Bank holidays) from 9am to 4pm.
- Phone us on 01227 783145
You may get an answering machine if the team is busy, or if the office is closed. Please leave a message and telephone number and we’ll return your call as soon as possible, ideally within three working days.
- Email us at ekh-tr.pals@nhs.net
- Website here
Patient Transport
Run by G4S
- Patient Transport is a service provided by G4S.
- It is designed to support you if your medical or physical condition means you cannot use public transport, get a lift, or drive yourself to, and from, your NHS appointment.
- There are eligibility criteria to qualify for NHS-funded transport.
- For patient who do not meet the eligibilty criteria, the transport provider (G4S) will signpost them to available voluntary transport options
- Some patients are eligible for reimbursement under the patient travel scheme (Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme-HTCS)
- Kent County Council has a link for Voluntary transport services (Community Transport)
- The British Red Cross also offer free transport from East Kent Hospitals and patient can self refer on 07711082504.
0800 096 0211
Perinatal Mental Health Community Service (PMHCS)
- Provides ongoing support for women with moderate to severe mental health difficulties from birth to 24 months after birth.
- Self-refer as below
01622 722321
Paydens (formally Carlisles)
14 Cross Lane,
Kent ME13 8PN
01795 532784
Monday | 8.30am – 6.30pm |
Tuesday | 8.30am – 6.30pm |
Wednesday | 8.30am – 6.30pm |
Thursday | 8.30am – 6.30pm |
Friday | 8.30am – 6.30pm |
Saturday | 8.45am – 12.45pm |
Sunday | Closed |
Boots Pharmacy
82-83 Preston St,
Kent, ME13 8NU
01795 532173
Monday | 9.00am – 5.30pm |
Tuesday | 9.00am – 5.30pm |
Wednesday | 9.00am – 5.30pm |
Thursday | 9.00am – 5.30pm |
Friday | 9.00am – 5.30pm |
Saturday | 9.00am – 5.30pm |
Sunday | Closed |
Tesco Pharmacy
Crescent Rd,
Kent, ME13 7AS
0345 6779268
Monday | 8.00am – 10.30pm |
Tuesday | 6.30am – 10.30pm |
Wednesday | 6.30am – 10.30pm |
Thursday | 6.30am – 10.30pm |
Friday | 6.30am – 10.30pm |
Saturday | 6.30am – 10.00pm |
Sunday | 10.00am – 4.00pm |
Newton Place Pharmacy
Newton Place Surgery,
Newton Road,
Kent, ME13 8FH
01795 597509
Monday | 7.00am – 10.30pm |
Tuesday | 7.00am – 10.30pm |
Wednesday | 7.00am – 10.30pm |
Thursday | 7.00am – 10.30pm |
Friday | 7.00am – 10.30pm |
Saturday | 7.00am – 10.30pm |
Sunday | 10.00am – 5.00pm |
For NHS physiotherapy, please make an appointment to see your GP.
- The practice is working in collaboration with Kesson Physiotherapy to provide NHS access to physiotherapy at the GP practice.
- We also have access to Physiotherapy at Faversham Cottage Hospital which is run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust.
For Private physiotherapy. In alphabetical order:
- Bluebell Faversham Physio. Abbey Place Clinic, 5 The Chapel, Abbey Place. 01634 757123
- Kesson Physiotherapy. First Floor, 2 Jubilee Way, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8GD 01795 534113
You can also find some NHS videos on Fitness Studio exercises here
Run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
The service can only accept referrals for adults and children with podiatric problems who have complex medical conditions which put the lower limb at higher risk of complications.
Patients need to meet the following criteria:
- ulceration and or acute infection of the foot
- high risk patients with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, neurological conditions and/or circulatory problems who are at risk of developing ulceration
- minor surgery for ingrowing toe nails and electrosurgery
- lower limb musculoskeletal conditions for example plantar fasciitis, heel pain, tendonopathies.
The service only accept referrals from Health care professionals.
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust also provide a fee-paying service so that people can have their toenails cut.
“Our trained and helpful staff can be found at clinics around Kent, so there is bound to be one near you.
Sessions cost £23 which includes the cost of sterilised instruments as well as any consumables. We are no longer using patient held instruments following a review of the service.
This service is cost-effective for anyone who is not entitled to routine care through the NHS framework.”
For more information about clinics in your area and to book an appointment phone 0300 123 1554 between 9am to 4pm or email kchft.podiatryprivate@nhs.net.
There are also private podiatry services. In alphabetical order:
- Abbey Place Clinic. 5 The Chapel, Abbey Place. 01795 538480
- Age UK. 2 Middle Row. 01795 532766/477520
- Gatefield Clinic. 9 Gatefield Lane. 01795 591337
- The Foot Clinic. 107 St Mary’s Road. 01795 591232
Practice Nurse
Phone the surgery to book to see your Practice Nurse for advice.
01795 905577
Prostate cancer & PSA testing
Symptoms of prostate cancer
Symptoms of prostate cancer do not usually appear until the prostate is large enough to affect the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra).
When this happens, you may notice things like:
- an increased need to pee
- straining while you pee
- a feeling that your bladder has not fully emptied
These symptoms should not be ignored, but they do not mean you have prostate cancer. It’s more likely they’re caused by something else, such as prostate enlargement.
Read more about symptoms of prostate cancer.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis, found only in men. About the size of a satsuma, it’s located between the penis and the bladder, and surrounds the urethra.
The main function of the prostate is to produce a thick white fluid that creates semen when mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles.
Why does prostate cancer happen?
The causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown. However, certain things can increase your risk of developing the condition.
The chances of developing prostate cancer increase as you get older. Most cases develop in men aged 50 or older.
For reasons not yet understood, prostate cancer is more common in men of African-Caribbean or African descent, and less common in Asian men.
Men whose father or brother were affected by prostate cancer are at slightly increased risk themselves.
Recent research also suggests that obesity increases the risk of prostate cancer.
Read more about what causes an increased risk of prostate cancer.
Tests for prostate cancer
There is no single test for prostate cancer. All the tests used to help diagnose the condition have benefits and risks that your doctor should discuss with you.
The most commonly used tests for prostate cancer are:
- blood tests
- a physical examination of your prostate (known as a digital rectal examination or DRE)
- an MRI scan
- a biopsy
Read more about how prostate cancer is diagnosed.
PSA testing
The blood test, called a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, measures the level of PSA and may help detect early prostate cancer.
Men are not routinely offered PSA tests to screen for prostate cancer, as results can be unreliable. Men over 50 can ask for a PSA test from their GP.
This is because the PSA blood test is not specific to prostate cancer. Your PSA level can also be raised by other, non-cancerous conditions. Raised PSA levels also can’t tell a doctor whether a man has life-threatening prostate cancer or not.
If you have a raised PSA level, you may be offered an MRI scan of the prostate to help doctors decide if you need further tests and treatment.
Read more about:
How is prostate cancer treated?
For many men with prostate cancer, treatment is not immediately necessary.
If the cancer is at an early stage and not causing symptoms, your doctor may suggest either “watchful waiting” or “active surveillance”. The best option depends on your age and overall health. Both options involve carefully monitoring your condition.
Some cases of prostate cancer can be cured if treated in the early stages. Treatments include:
- surgically removing the prostate
- radiotherapy – either on its own or alongside hormone therapy
Some cases are only diagnosed at a later stage, when the cancer has spread. If the cancer spreads to other parts of the body and can’t be cured, then treatment is focused on prolonging life and relieving symptoms.
All treatment options carry the risk of significant side effects, including erectile dysfunction and urinary symptoms, such as needing to use the toilet more urgently or more often.
For this reason, some men choose to delay treatment until there’s a risk the cancer might spread.
Newer treatments, such as high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and cryotherapy, aim to reduce these side effects.
Some hospitals may offer them as an alternative to surgery, radiotherapy or hormone therapy. However, the long-term effectiveness of these treatments is not known yet.
Read more about treating prostate cancer.
Living with prostate cancer
As prostate cancer usually progresses very slowly, you can live for decades without symptoms or needing treatment.
Nevertheless, it can affect your life. As well as the possible side effects of treatment, a diagnosis of prostate cancer can understandably make you feel anxious or depressed.
You may find it beneficial to talk about the condition with your family, friends, a family doctor and other men with prostate cancer.
Financial support is also available if prostate cancer reduces your ability to work.
Read more about living with prostate cancer.

Referred to see a specialist? What happens next.
See this leaflet detailing what happens when you are referred to see a specialist, and what you should expect at the appointment.

Run by Kent County Council
Tell us as much as you can
- The more information you can give us about what’s happening and where it’s happening, the better. We encourage you to give your name, but we won’t tell anyone else you called unless you give us permission to do so. We take every report of abuse seriously and investigate all of them.
- Abuse is a breach of someone’s rights, and may be a single act or happen repeatedly over a period of time. Abuse may be deliberate, but may also be caused by neglect or ignorance. It can happen anywhere, including your home, your child’s school, a residential or nursing home, at hospital, or in a public place. In many cases, abuse is a criminal offence.
- Don’t assume that someone else will take responsibility. You could help to save someone’s life. If you are worried, report it.
- Staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to talk to you about your worries
During the day and in office hours
- Concerned about an adult? Call 03000 41 61 61 or email social.services@kent.gov.uk.
- Concerned about a child? Call 03000 41 11 11 or email social.services@kent.gov.uk.
Out of hours and in an emergency
- If you need to contact us outside of normal office hours, for example during the night, call 03000 41 91 91.
If you think someone is in immediate danger, the best thing to do is call 999 for the emergency services.
School Health
Run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Primary school-age
- Health Assessment for primary school-age
- Vision and hearing screening
- National Child Measurement Programme
We provide support for a variety of health issues and will refer to specialist services, when needed. These include advice, support and help for:
- daytime and night time wetting and soiling
- behaviour management
- healthy eating and lifestyle
- emotional health and wellbeing
- puberty and growing up
- sexual health
- stopping smoking
- drug and alcohol misuse
- sleep
- complex health needs.
Our teams offer a range of drop-in clinics in schools, children’s centre and other community venues for advice and information.
Secondary school-age
Our Adolescent Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service offers health assessments, as well as a range of support for physical and mental health, plus referral to specialist services when needed.
We provide support for:
- daytime and night time wetting and soiling
- behaviour
- bullying
- bereavement
- healthy eating and lifestyle
- emotional health and wellbeing, such as anxiety, stress, depression, self-harm and anger management
- puberty and growing up
- sexual health
- stopping smoking
- drug and alcohol misuse
- sleep
- complex health needs.
Our School Health Team offers a range of drop-in clinics in schools, colleges and youth hubs providing information and advice to support young people.
Support for schools
We offer support for schools to develop a whole-school approach to improve the health of their pupils.
If you are a school, visit our Support for Schools section.
How to access service
This service is for children and young people who are school-age, between ages of four and nineteen. You do not need to be in mainstream education to seek our support. If you are home-schooled or in a pupil referral unit, you can still use our service.
We take referrals directly from:
- children and young people
- parents or carers
- schools, colleges and high education institutes
- other health care professionals or partner organisations
- voluntary agencies.
0300 123 4496
Sedatives for Procedures and Scans
Policy on Sedative Prescriptions for Procedures and Scans
Faversham Medical Practice Policy on Sedative Prescriptions
We are unable to prescribe sedatives, such as diazepam, for any procedure or scan being undertaken outside the practice. This includes MRI scans and dental procedures.
If you feel you need sedation for a procedure or scan, please speak to the team undertaking the procedure or scan, as they are responsible for providing this if needed. All our local NHS hospitals have formal procedures in place for sedation during procedures, so you should not be directed to your GP for this.
Why We Do Not Prescribe Sedatives for External Procedures:
- Lack of Regular Involvement and Training: GPs are not regularly involved, skilled, trained, or appraised in sedation skills. Providing too little sedation won’t help you, and providing too much sedation can make you too sleepy, which could lead to the procedure being cancelled. Excessive sedation can also dangerously affect your breathing. After taking a sedative for a procedure or scan, you will need to be closely monitored to keep you safe.
- Unpredictable Effects of Diazepam: Although diazepam makes most people sleepy, in some rare situations, it can have the opposite effect and make people aggressive or agitated.
- Timing of Sedation: Scans and hospital procedures are often delayed. Therefore, the team performing the procedure or scan should provide the sedation to ensure you become sleepy and relaxed at the right time.
- Need for Regular Monitoring: Sedated patients should be regularly monitored. There has been a case where a GP-prescribed sedative was used, the patient wasn’t monitored, and subsequently had a respiratory arrest in an MRI machine.
- Guidelines from the Royal College of Radiologists: The Royal College of Radiologists’ guidelines on sedation for imaging make no mention of GP involvement or prescribing and stress the importance of experienced, well-trained staff being involved and the need for monitoring of sedated patients.
Feel free to show this policy to your hospital team or dentist.
Faversham Medical Practice
Thank you for your understanding.
Many conditions can be managed yourself. There is a great index of conditions and treatments on the NHS Health Choices webpage or else you can find further information on our eConsult page. A selection of the most common conditions are below.
It is useful to have a Home Medicine Cabinet as minor illness, minor injuries or aches and pains are very common and having such items to hand can help with immediate self-care. Your local pharmacy can also give advice and information on over the counter medicines. Always follow dosage directions and store medicines away from children. Seek further advice if symptoms worsen or persist. For further advice see under Pharmacy or or NHS 111.
If you have children under 18, this is also a good link for general health matters
Back pain NHS Choices | Cold sores NHS Choices |
Chicken Pox NHS Choices | Common Cold NHS Choices |
Conjunctivitis NHS Choices | Constipation NHS Choices |
Cough/Catarrah NHS Choices | Dandruff NHS Choices |
Diarrhoea NHS Choices | Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) NHS Choices |
Earache NHS Choices | Haemorrhoids NHS Choices |
Hayfever NHS Choices | Head lice NHS Choices |
Headache NHS Choices | Heartburn & Indigestion NHS Choices |
Influenza NHS Choices | Insect bites NHS Choices |
Leg Cramps NHS Choices | Migraine NHS Choices |
Nasal congestion NHS Choices | Nappy rash NHS Choices |
Sore throat NHS Choices | Sinusitis NHS Choices |
Sprains and strains NHS Choices | Thrush NHS Choices |
Warts and Verrucas NHS Choices |
Sexual Assault
Beech House Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Offer free, confidential healthcare and compassionate support to people over 13yrs old in Kent and Medway that have experienced sexual assault or rape in their lifetime.
Telephone 0330 223 0099 is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Call to speak with a nurse for support and to discuss your options for making an in-person appointment and/or referrals.
Website: www.beechhousesarc.org
Sexual Health Clinics
Run by Kent County Council
Our clinics offer a free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. We won’t judge or lecture you, we’ve seen it all before.
You can get a home testing kit without having to visit a clinic.
We can help with:
- contraception and contraceptive advice
- testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- general sexual health advice.
Unless stated, all of our clinics offer a walk-in service. Where walk-ins are not available:
- book for clinics in North and East Kent by calling 0300 790 0245
The trained team will ask you the reason why you need to be seen in order to book you an appropriate appointment. This will help to ensure that you receive the correct service. All information is handled sensitively and in confidence.
Get It Metro Sexual Health is a service for young people aged 13-24 living, working, socialising, or studying in Kent. Young people can access the scheme online or in-person in dedicated registration sites. “Get it” enables young people to gain access to free condoms and lubrication by registering to the scheme. The registration process provides an opportunity for young people to learn about sex and the law, contraception, unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and the local services available to them.
Social help
Run by Kent County Council
Children 0-18yrs
Help is available for 0-18 year olds with:
- severe and profound learning disabilities
- physical and sensory disabilities
- a combination of disabilities.
- call 03000 41 11 11 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- call 03000 41 91 91 (outside of office hours – for emergencies only)
- email social.services@kent.gov.uk
Adults 18yrs and over
They will do a needs assessment, which means they will talk to you about your situation and find out what changes you would like to make in your life. This can be done in person or by telephone.
- call 03000 41 61 61 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- call 03000 41 91 91 (outside of office hours – for emergencies only)
- email social.services@kent.gov.uk
Stop smoking services
Run by Kent County Council
Text “QUIT” to 60163 for OneYou Kent smokefree service
The local pharmacies all run stop smoking services.
Please note that we no longer run in-house stop smoking clinics.
You can find other stop smoking services here

Transport Service-SVC
Run by Swale Volunteer Centre (SVC)
- Swale Volunteer Centre runs a Volunteer Transport Scheme for local residents who would otherwise be unable to attend essential appointments such as doctor, dentist and hospital.
- The scheme has been running for over 20 years with demand for the service growing year on year. There are currently 3,800 clients and a pool of 74 volunteer drivers who freely give up their time and support. For users of the service there is a small annual admin fee and a charge, payable directly to the driver, for each journey to help with petrol and vehicle running costs.
- There may be a number of reasons why you may not be able to use public transport such as accessibility, times, mobility and costs. The Swale Volunteer Car Scheme is for you.
Costs and how it works
- Available to all local residents who have difficulty in using public transport, there is a registration fee of £25 and thereafter an annual fee of £20 per person, payable to Swale Volunteer Centre to help cover administration costs. Journeys are charged at a rate of 45p per mile (with a minimum charge of £4.50) with an additional £1 admin charge per journey.
- When booking a driver please notify us of any mobility aids to ensure we can accommodate these and the approximate length of time your appointment is likely to take.
- Your driver will be happy to wait with you for a reasonable time (up to 2 hours).
- All trips must be booked through our office to comply with our insurance cover.
- Registration form here
Telephone: 01795 426647 Email: louise.parpworth@swalecvs.co.uk
This line is open Monday – Friday between 09:30 and 14:30
Or contact the East Kent VC transport line on: 0300 365 0045

Umbrella Centre-Faversham
The Faversham Umbrella Centre was set up 22 years ago to provide recreational activities. The ultimate goal is to support you to integrate back into the community, rather than feel isolated by mental illness.
The Puddles Café offers low cost light refreshments and opportunities to play table tennis, bingo, darts, Wii fit, and pool. There are a range of arts and crafts activities to do and basic IT support is available.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 10am-3pm
Faversham Umbrella, Court Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7AT
Telephone: 01795 229143
Email: info@favershamumbrella.org
Facebook site here
Urgent Treatment Centre
Faversham Urgent Treatment Centre
Faversham Medical Centre,
Bank Street,
Faversham, Kent,
ME13 8QR
- Faversham Urgent Treatment Centre is open 8am-8pm 7 days a week including Bank Holidays. It is open to all patients both in and out of Faversham.
- We have an attached X-ray Unit which is open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday only. No need to phone to book as both MIU and X-ray are a walk-in service.
- You can get help for any
- Minor Injuries – cuts, wounds, grazes, eye and ear injuries, bites, abscesses, falls, burns, sprains, strains and foreign bodies.
- Minor Illnesses – infections, rashes, emergency contraception (morning after pill), coughs and colds. Please note that we do not treat Dental infections-please contact your own Dentist or contact Dentaline via 111.
Kent & Canterbury Minor Injuries Unit
Kent & Canterbury Hospital,
Ethelbert Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
01227 864244
- Kent and Canterbury Minor Injuries Unit is open 24hrs a day.

Weight – healthy weight services
Run by Kent County Council
There are a range of services available in Kent to help you maintain a healthy weight. These services are delivered by local providers on behalf of Kent County Council and you can contact them directly for help (please see link above) or call 0300 123 1220 for further information.
Please note that although the GP Practice is in Swale, we are part of the Canterbury and Coastal CCG, and not Swale CCG, so not all services are available to our registered patients.

X-Ray services
Patient can get their X-ray done at Faversham Health Centre
- Open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday.
- Patients needing a Chest X-ray can either walk in and wait, or can book an appointment via link below.
- Patients needing any other form of X-ray (such as hip/knee/back/hand etc) will need to book their appointment in advance or else phone 01227 864249.
- All X-rays are linked to the local hospital trust for viewing.
X-Ray services are also available at Kent and Canterbury Hospital, William Harvey Hospital and QEQM Hospital.
- Open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday
- Open 8am-4pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
- Patients will need to book their appointment in advance or else phone 01227 864249.